Sunday, May 20, 2012

ronny - Why Companies Should Consider Leasing Computers and ...

Many companies ar? n?t aware of the significant benefits related to acquisition financing ?n computers ?nd technology segments. The proper term f?r thi? type ?f financing is ' Technology lifecycle management '. Most business owners simply c?nsider th? following question: 'Should I buy or lease m? firms n?w computers ?nd software ?nd related products and services?'

Two ?ld adages related to leasing st?ll ring true wh?n it c?mes t? th? technological aspect. That i? that ?ne ?h?uld finance ?ometh?ng ?nd depreciates, ?nd ?ne sh?uld buy ??m?thing that appreciates ?n value. Most business owners, ?nd consumers as w?ll kn?w ver? well th?t computers depreciate ?n value. Systems we paid thousands ?f dollars f?r years ago ?r? now hundreds of dollars. Walk ?nt? ?n? ' big box ' retailer ?nd se? th? dramatic moves ?n technology.

Business owners who finance technology demonstrate ? higher level ?f cost effectiveness. The company w?nts to reap the benefits ?f the technology ov?r th? u??ful life of the asset, and, importantly, m?r? evenly match th? cash outflows with the benefits. Leasing ?nd financing ?our technology ?ll?w? ??u to stay ahead ?f the technology curve; that ?s t? ?a? you are alw??s using the latest technology as ?t relates t? y?ur firms needs.

Businesses that lease ?nd finance their technology ne?d? ar? ?ften working better w?th?n their capital budgets. Simply speaking th?? c?n buy m?r? and buy smarter. Many companies th?t ar? larger ?n size have balance sheet issues ?nd ROA (return ?n assets) issues th?t are compelling. They must stay with?n bank credit covenants ?nd ar? measure ?ft?n ?n the?r ability t? generate income on th? total level of assets b?ing deployed ?n the company.

Lease financing all?ws th??e firms t? address b?th of th?se issues. Companies ??n choose t? employ ?n ' operating lease ' structure f?r their technology financing. This i? mor? prevalent ?n larger firms, but works ?lmo?t equally ?s well ?n small organizations. Operating leases are ' off balance sheet '. The firm adopts th? stance of using technology, not owning technology. The lessor/lender owns th? equipment, ?nd h?s a stake in th? residual value of th? technology. The main benefit for the company is th?t the debt a??oci?t?d w?th the technology acquisition ?? n?t directly held ?n th? balance sheet. This optimizes debt levels ?nd profitability ratios.

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