Tuesday, January 17, 2012

The Very Real Paranoia Over Genetically Modified Foods

Too bad the rapid-acting, social-media fix wasn?t more effective. LeVaux? second try addressed some of the errors in how he described miRNAs and added some caveats about confirming results, but he retained much of his initial argument, maintaining that his critics had shot wide. As one of those critics, I demurred. In addition to stressing scientific inaccuracies, the critiques highlighted how off-target LeVaux was in trying to link the Zhang results to GM plant foods in particular, instead of all plant foods. No one has altered miRNAs in existing GM plants, so in that respect, at least, they're no different from non-GM plants.

Source: http://feeds.slate.com/click.phdo?i=551f13a1e70a214dac0b661dd42c1668

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