Friday, February 15, 2013

Big Pink Apple: Mapping the Prettiest of Pink Buildings in New York City

Thursday, February 14, 2013, by Jessica Dailey


New York City's red brick buildings are considered charming and quaint, but their paler brethren get a bad rap. It could be because pink is often paired with over-the-top architectural flare (looking at you, Plazzo Chupi) or it could be that the bright bubblegum hue is jarringly different from the neighbors. Either way, New York's quirky rose-colored buildings deserve to be celebrate, so in honor of Valentine's Day, we're mapping out the places that are pretty in pink. We're sure to have missed some, so leave a comment or hit up the tipline, and we'll add it to the map.


lou dobbs rock salt david letterman march of dimes james randi wargames blake griffin dunk

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